West vs East

These signs were a familiar sight to anyone who grew up in West Berlin. These days, you mainly see them at history exhibits like this one at a shopping center on Potsdamer Platz that showed photos and memorabilia from the divided days. It is quite an interesting display and it comes back from time to time. If you'd like to see more signs, take a look at Signs, Signs.


  1. A strong contrast between the past and the present.

  2. Thank God they are only signs of the past.

  3. The wire and the fence give added meaning to the signs and keeps them from being a static curiosity.

  4. A piece of history... let's hope it remains history !

  5. I agree with Karl, but the history of repeating stupidities gives us sometimes a headache.

  6. Signs can make us remember and remind us of our past.

  7. Those were such unhappy times. I hope they're gone forever but it seems hatred continues and the need for power is never satisfied!

  8. Little bits of history that we hope we will never repeat.

  9. Can't imagine this Hal.. Good to keep these bad periods in history fresh in the hope they won't reoccur..

  10. Can't imagine this Hal.. Good to keep these bad periods in history fresh in the hope they won't reoccur..

  11. That sure keeps the memories alive from those terrible times.

  12. Must be an interesting exhibition.

  13. A sign that possibly brings back bad memories for some and nostalgia for others?

  14. Yes, these were important signs from another era. Remember it well. Hope the cold war never comes back.

  15. Even now, it is still a little scary to see these signs.

  16. Fascinating stuff, a world gone by...

  17. That's probably the single most famous sign...

  18. So glad they are now history, but it is so important to remember.

  19. A bit of history not THAT long ago. I met a woman from East Germany, some years back, and still remember our conversation in German. ( She spoke Russian but not English) My German teacher would have been impressed, I don`t practice German usually. (Just buy "Brigiite Woman" each month.) We talked for 2-3 hours, and she told me that even years after the opening of the boarder, she felt she was watched.... She had read the papers a person/neighbour living in the same building of flats had written about her and her family and friends.....


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