Easter benches

Some of the posts I had scheduled to run during my time off didn't publish. So here is another look at the Arcades shopping center on Potsdamer Platz. The Easter decorations were fabulous, including loads of real flowers from the Sans Souci gardens. 

I've got suitcases to unpack and clothes to wash, but I am happy to say I'm back from vacation fully relaxed and rested. Now it's time to put my full energies into the apartment renovation and job search. And of course, I'll be back to regular blogging too!


  1. Glad your back rested and ready to job hunt, Hal. Lovely garden area.

  2. welcome back!!! what a pretty resting spot!

  3. Having been on a break myself, I didn't realize you were gone, but welcome back and best wishes on accomplishing your immediate goals. Love this picture...in some ways it looks more like Florida than Berlin! :)

  4. Glad you are back and rested! Lovely flowers!

  5. The flowers are very pretty!

  6. Bet the scent is wonderful. Looks a popular spot :).

  7. Youre right Hal, the floral displays are gorgeous! Ah home renovations - lots of fun ahead! I'm sure you won't be job-searching for long!

  8. So nice to see you back! This is beautiful!!!

  9. Beautiful colors! Glad you are back safe. Good luck on the job search and the renovation!

  10. Very bright colors and appealing. Welcome back. And best of luck in the job search.


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